20 Intermediate Javascript Tutorials to Challenge Your Skills

Would you like to become a Javascript expert from the comfort of your own home? If you already have some Javascript knowledge under your belt and want to expand your skills, you’ve come to the right place. The following is a list of courses and intermediate Javascript tutorials that focus on more complex topics and tasks to help you become proficient in the Javascript programming language.

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5 YouTube Intermediate Tutorials to Learn Javascript

If you’re looking for a challenge, these intermediate tutorials to learn Javascript are perfect for you. These videos range in length, giving you plenty of content to work through at your own pace. And, because they’re on YouTube, you can always pause, rewind, and revisit sections as needed.

Intermediate JavaScript Course – Acadea.io

This course assumes right out the gate that you already have some fundamental JavaScript knowledge and move forward with more complex topics. Follow along to learn all about things like async, API requests, and polymorphism.

Advanced JavaScript Crash Course 2022 – Codevolution

This JavaScript crash course moves at a pretty fast pace, but it’s packed with information on everything from working with objects and classes to understanding concepts like prototypal inheritance and currying. By the end of it, you’ll have built a full-fledged front-end application.

Advanced JavaScript Complete Course – Educational Tutorials

This course is broken up into a series of short lectures, making it easy to digest complex topics. You’ll start with the basics like working with numbers and strings before moving on to more advanced concepts like closures, recursion, and design patterns. It clocks in at nearly 7 hours, so it could very well serve as your one-stop shop for JavaScript education.

JavaScript Intermediate Full Course – SimpliCode

This is another course that covers a lot of ground all in one video. At over 5 hours long, this video provides an overview of things like OOP, prototypes, and hoisting before moving on to more Intermediate-level topics like working with the DOM, using regular expressions, and making Ajax requests. It serves as a beginner brush-up and as a way to progress to the next level of instruction.

Advanced JavaScript Tutorial – Edureka

This tutorial jumps into more complex topics immediately. Throughout this 40-minute tutorial, you’ll learn about functions, namespaces, and prototypes before moving on to error handling, modules, and chaining. By the end of it, you’ll have a strong grasp of how to build front-end applications using JavaScript.

15 Intermediate Javascript Tutorials for Experienced Programmers

If you’d rather learn by following along with a written tutorial than watching a video, we’ve got you covered, too. We’ve found some of the best tutorials that cater to intermediate JavaScript users and curated them just for you to browse, enjoy, and learn from. There’s something for everyone here.

1. JavaScript Intermediate Tutorial – HTML Dog

This tutorial covers a wide range of topics that would be perfect for an intermediate JavaScript programmer. You’ll start with a discussion about the DOM and quickly move on to events and callbacks, AJAX, JSON, Scope, and much more.

Cost: Free. Just click through each chapter and complete it at your own pace.

2. Learn Intermediate JavaScript – Codecademy

This Codecademy course is designed for experienced programmers who want to take their JavaScript skills to the next level. You’ll cover topics like Object-Oriented Programming, working with APIs, and error handling. By the end of it, you’ll have built a complex front-end application.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to use objects to store data in an organized manner
  • Understand the prototypes behind objects and how they work
  • Construct functions, including higher-order functions, to manipulate objects
  • Access external data using Ajax requests and APIs
  • Handle errors gracefully in your code

Cost: Free to take the class, however, if you’d like a certificate of completion, you’ll need to sign up for a Codecademy Pro membership which starts at $34.99/month.

3. Intermediate JavaScript Part 1 – Rithm School

This Rithm School tutorial is part one of a two-part series on Intermediate JavaScript. In this first installment, you’ll learn about topics like debugging, nested data structures, and higher-order functions as well as the DOM, iterators, and LocalStorage.

Cost: Free!

4. Intermediate JavaScript Development – Udemy

This Udemy course is geared towards helping you build scalable and maintainable JavaScript applications. You’ll learn about the DOMl, working with forms, using regular expressions, and much more.

Instructor: RefactorU

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a stronger understanding of JavaScript
  • Learn how advanced data types can enhance your development skills
  • Gain knowledge of scope and context

Cost: Free, though free courses on Udemy do not offer a certificate of completion.

5. Step Up Your JS: A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate JavaScript – Educative

This course is perfect for experienced JavaScript developers who wish to expand their skill set. In it, you’ll cover topics like closures, recursion, higher-order functions, and working with the DOM.

Learning Objectives:

  • Build upon your knowledge of basic JavaScript concepts
  • Use hands-on coding environments to solidify skills
  • Complete periodic assessments to track progress

Cost: You can get started with a free trial though you will need a premium plan to attain a completion certificate, which starts at $16.66/per month.

6. Learn Intermediate JavaScript – Udacity

This course is designed to help you build on the basics of JavaScript by exploring everything you need to know to enter a career in web development or server-side application development. This is a proper course that takes approximately three months to complete.

Learning Objectives:

  • Prep you for a career role
  • Learn skills to complete more complex JavaScript coding tasks
  • Prepare to use frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue

Cost: $399 per month

7. Serverside JavaScript with Node.js – Coursera

In this Coursera specialization, you’ll learn everything you need to know about server-side JavaScript development with Node.js, including how to develop server-side applications. Enrolling in this course also provides access to coding exercises and practice spaces for building and testing JavaScript programs.

Instructor: NIIT

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the Node.js environment
  • Evaluate and debug simple programs
  • Apply Node.js techniques such as modules, files, and asynchronous programming

Cost: You can sign up for this course for free. For access to all Coursera courses, however, you would need to pay $59/month.

8. Javascript Animation for Websites, Storytelling, Data Visualization, and Games – Coursera

In this guided project, you’ll take your JavaScript skills to the next level by learning how to create interactive web animations. You’ll learn about the .animate method and data visualization as well as how to use animation for storytelling and game development.

Instructor: Ravi Puralena

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to build animations for stories
  • Design interactive data displays
  • Become comfortable using the .animate method

Cost: This guided project costs $9.99.

9. Become a JavaScript Pro With These 7 Skills – Coursera

With 7 project-based lessons, this 2 hour-long guided project will teach you essential JavaScript skills that can be applied to practical scenarios. If you have any prior experience with JS, HTML, CSS, and object-oriented programming, take this course to learn more and become equipped to handle real-world problems!

Instructor: Harrison Kong

Learning Objectives:

  • Come to understand function expressions and callbacks
  • Get familiar with the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Learn Query and object-oriented JavaScript

Cost: This guided project costs $9.99.

10. Introduction to Javascript Arrays – Coursera

In this guided project, you will learn about the array data type in Javascript. You will also explore how to work with arrays and how they can be used to store data efficiently.

Instructor: Judy Richardson

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the benefits of repetition programming.
  • Use JavaScript to populate an array
  • Access elements from an array

Cost: This guided project costs $9.99.

11. React Components Course – Treehouse

In this 158-minute long course, you will level up your React skills including learning about functional components and state and lifecycle methods. You will also discover how to break your UI into smaller, reusable pieces. It’s very much the “next step” in learning JavaScript.

Instructor: Laura Coronel

Learning Objectives:

  • Design reusable components for modular interfaces
  • Change the state and dataflow to be unidirectional
  • Learn how to pass state to multiple components and update the items in the state based on a previous state.

Cost: You can view this video-based course with a free trial to Treehouse. Past that, you’ll need to sign up for access to the courses for $25/per month

12. npm Basics Course – Treehouse

In this 44-minute course, you will learn all about npm, a package manager for JavaScript. You will learn how to install and use packages, as well as create your own! This is a quick but thorough course that will give you the foundation you need to get started using npm.

Instructor: Reggie Williams

Learning Objectives:

  • Install npm and packages
  • Use the CLI to manage your project’s dependencies
  • Create your own package

Cost: Accessible via a $25/month Treehouse subscription.

13. Rest API Validation with Express – Treehouse

In this video-based course, you will learn how to validate user input when creating a REST API using the Express framework. This course focuses on validating data types, required fields, and string formats.

Instructor: Guil Hernandez

Learning Objectives:

  • Validate input with express-validator
  • Use REST API to create a user account and retrieve a list of user accounts

Cost: Get started with this course by signing up for a $25/month Treehouse subscription.

14. JS Intermediate – What is Functional Programming in JavaScript? – EnableGeek

And then we have this tutorial, which covers the basics of functional programming in JavaScript. It discusses what functional programming is, as well as its benefits and drawbacks. This post also covers some practical examples of how to use functional programming in your own code.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the differences between pure, first-class, higher order, callback, and recursive functions.
  • Learn how each of these terms work together for functional programming

Cost: Free!

15. JavaScript Best Practices – Pluralsight

And to round out our list here is a handy course that covers how to better make use of JavaScript in a professional environment. By learning best practices, you can avoid the frequent issues and headaches that come with JavaScript. From strange syntaxes to async patterns and callbacks, this course will show you how to handle different aspects of JavaScript that can cause problems.

Instructor: Jonathan Mills

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover out-of-the-ordinary syntax in JavaScript to prevent issues later
  • Learn about callbacks and manage them effectively
  • Get familiar with Node.js production practices and cross-platform differences

Cost: You can try this course for free for 10-days, then you’ll need to sign up for a Pluralsight subscription, which starts at $29/per month.