Describe yourself: 5 Example Answers to This Interview Question

How do you describe yourself? It’s a common interview question. In fact, when you sit down to attend an in-person or remote job interview, one of the first things you’re tasked with is describing yourself. It may seem like a simple question but it can often leave applicants at a loss of words. After all, it’s a bit hard, to sum up, YOU. But, keep reading! In this post, job seekers will find valuable advice on which descriptive words are appropriate for this type of interview question. 

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Key Takeaways

  • Remember to use positive adjectives to describe yourself, especially when transitioning to a different industry than your previous job.

  • Maintain eye contact with the interviewer / potential employer and remember to smile.

  • Give a concise answer, avoid being long-winded, and know when to simply stop talking.

“How would you describe yourself?”

When asked this interview question, what do you normally say? Do you tell a personal story? Or do you prefer to leave out personal details and focus on key accomplishments you’ve made throughout your career? What do you say if you’re a recent graduate? There is a lot to consider.

And while it’s always nice to show your personality and authenticity in interviews, it’s not necessarily appropriate to tell your entire life story. Our suggestion? Instead of worrying about this type of interview question, read the latest career advice below. The sample answers listed here are meant to inspire you to concisely answer this common interview question, whenever it comes up.

I am an avid learner who enjoys honing new skills.

Most employers seek to hire malleable employees who can learn and adapt as the needs of the organization evolve. When an employer finds a candidate that expresses a love of learning and a willingness to try new things, they can rest assured that their company is in good hands.

Example Answer: “I am an avid learner who enjoys honing new skills. I love being challenged to test out new ideas, solve problems and create innovative strides to take the company to the next level.”

I am an organized and resourceful person.

Being detail-oriented can aid you in any industry. So, finding a highly organized and resourceful candidate can be similar to finding a gold mine! After all, common mistakes can be avoided when the one charged with a task is very organized and able to formulate solutions using the resources at their disposal.

Example Answer: “I am an organized and resourceful person. I strive to streamline tasks whenever possible. I do this by creating standardized steps to completing the task at hand, using the resources that I have available.”

I am collaborative and compassionate.

Being someone concerned with team morale is very important. So, potential employers tend to think favorably about candidates who exude the attributes of team players that thrive in diverse work environments.

Example Answer: “I am a collaborative and compassionate individual when it comes to my work. I love working with my colleagues to tackle big projects. It is easy for me to forge healthy professional relationships with a diverse group of individuals because I enjoy cross-cultural experiences and meeting new people from all walks of life.” 

I am comfortable in leadership positions.

When an interviewer asks you to describe yourself, what positive words come to mind? If the term leader, director, manager, or a similar term comes to mind, be sure to mention it. Employers often seek a candidate with natural leadership skills. Once hired, this person can act as a great motivator and help lead their team (or the entire company) in the right direction.

Example Answer: “I am comfortable in leadership positions. I thrive in environments where I can positively contribute to other people and thoughtfully lend a helping hand, as needed. My previous experience and history of being promoted to leadership positions is a testament to my ability to inspire groups of various sizes.”

I am analytical and solution-oriented.

When you review the job description for the position you are applying for, what challenges do you anticipate? Do you already have ideas on how to contribute to the company? Sometimes, those solution-oriented thoughts can help you formulate a great response when asked to describe yourself. 

Example Answer: “I am a solution-oriented person. I try my best to analyze and assess each issue or project challenge with the end result and efficiency in mind. My solution-oriented mindset has contributed to the growth of companies, both small and large. It is through this strategic practice that I have forged a strong relationship with my previous employers and contributed to their overall mission statement.”


When it comes to crafting the best interview answer, you’ll need to rely on personal and professional experience to provide evidentiary support for your claims. If you are solution-oriented, how has your career shown that? If you are attentive, what examples can provide that make that more apparent? 

Job seekers can use the example answers above to inspire their own response to the common interview question, “How would you describe yourself?”. Just remember, the end goal is to craft a strong answer that piques the interviewer’s interest.