5 Resume Tips for Creative Professionals + FREE Template

A concise and well-designed resume is imperative for creative professionals to stand out from the crowd. Are you happy with your current resume? When is the last time you updated it? Whether your career is just beginning or you’re a seasoned pro, designing a great document may help you land an interview.  

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Not sure where to start? If you haven’t dusted off your resume in a while, it can be difficult to figure out where to begin. What work experiences should you include? What rules should you follow or break? Do employers really want to know about your hobbies? You may have a lot of questions but, the good news is that, we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll give you five tips and a FREE resume template to get you started. 

Resume Tip #1: Opt for Pro Software vs. Word Processors

What program are you using to design your resume? Google Docs or Microsoft Word are fantastic tools if you’re applying for administrative roles. However, if you’re a designer, developer, or creative professional; you need to pay close attention to the layout of your resume. 

Word processors won’t cut it because their limited layout options do not allow for complete creative control. Instead, use professional software, such as InDesign CC or Illustrator CC, to design a document that shows off your skills and catches the eye of recruiters.

Resume Tip #2: Add Color, Strategically

Adding color to your resume or cover letter may seem like a waste of time, but that’s not entirely the case. For non-creative roles, a black and white resume will work just fine. However, if you are an artistic person, you have an opportunity to put your skills to the test and add a personal touch to your application. Add blues, greens, yellows or whatever you like, just try to avoid going too crazy with color – this is a formal document, after all.

Resume Tip #3: Be Concise

When you’re crafting your resume, it’s important to be concise. Why, you ask? Well, recruiters don’t have a lot of time and often, have dozens of applicants to consider. So, what should you do? While there are debates over exactly how long your resume should be, we won’t give you a word limit. Instead, we’ll just encourage you to keep it brief.

Remember, the goal is to intrigue the recruiter so you can get to the first interview. If you find yourself being too wordy, try cutting your word count and adding a link for the recruiter to see more.

Resume Tip #4: Be Honest

If you’re just starting out, it may be tempting to pad out your resume with lofty language or illegitimate experiences – but you should avoid doing so at all costs. Instead, highlight the things that make you stand out. Even if you haven’t been in the creative field very long, there is surely something that makes you an excellent candidate. 

Are you a whiz at Photoshop? Do you use your graphic design skills to volunteer at local nonprofits? Dig deep and figure out what makes you unique – then, put that on your resume!

Resume Tip #5: Demonstrate Consistency with Design

As a designer or creative pro, you may know a thing or two about branding. But is that knowledge being applied to your professional documents? Ask yourself, is the color scheme the same on my resume and cover letter? What about the typography on the pdf of my portfolio?

The next time you find yourself in the throes of an application for your dream job, make sure you review your resume, cover letter and portfolio for consistency before hitting the send button.

Want more than tips?

Here’s a free resume template!

example image for resume template for creative professionals

Download our FREE resume template now!

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Look no further than Authentic Jobs – the leading job board for designers, developers, and creative professionals.